Northeast Indiana Doula Services becomes a valuable member of your birth, postpartum, and lactation team. You can expect to be heard and supported accordingly. Lora strives to hold your birthing and postpartum spaces as places of safety so that you can have your needs met, feel in control, and come out on the other side satisfied with your experience. Choose the support that’s right for you: comprehensive consultation services, postpartum support, labor and birth support, lactation support, or bereavement support. Request a Menu of Services using the Contact Form.

Antepartum and Postpartum Services

Lora is a Certified Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Specialist, supporting and encouraging women and their families before and after the birth of a baby or babies. Her primary focus is to "mother the mother" making sure that the mother's emotional, mental, and physical needs are met. At the same time, she is educating on newborn care and supporting other members of the family during these periods of adjustment. She holds a high value on self care during pregnancy and postpartum as well as bonding during the first few weeks parents have with their newborn. Her mission is to ease burdens and make this life transition less overwhelming.

Antepartum is the time period before the baby is born and can be defined as from conception to delivery. Antepartum services can be retained in cases such as limited physical conditions, high-risk pregnancy, stress, carrying multiples, and “just because.” A pregnant woman’s needs vary, and these services include physical and emotional support, perinatal depression support, self care help, nutrition, meals, snacks, housekeeping, laundry, nursery preparation, home organization, errands, sibling care, companionship, and packing for the birth.

Postpartum is the time immediately after the birth of the baby or babies. There is no determined cut off for postpartum. Three months to one year is a good guide, but could depend on the experience of the mother and whether a baby is premature or full term and has special medical conditions. Lora focuses on whatever is included in the above antepartum list, as well as the emotional and physical needs of the mother, newborn care, and helping the family feel confident in their roles. This will include breastfeeding/supplemental feeding support, C-section recovery, assistance with care of the newborn, education on postpartum topics, routines, knowledge of postpartum conditions, such as anxiety/depression, self care, and nutrition.

Postpartum Preparation Consultation $150

Day and Night in-hospital postpartum support is also available.

This option is an excellent choice for any birth. Lora will join you at the hospital and can assist mom with baby so that mom can focus on her recovery, stay in bed (choose to have baby with her in bed while her doula stays awake), infant care and postpartum education. Lora will tend to the mom's every need, as well as help when she needs to call the nurse. To have the continual support and encouragement can be a game changer for mom, and partner, while she is in the immediate postpartum recovery.

Postpartum Preparation Consultation $150


Consultation only options are comprehensive sessions helping you to be fully informed, prepared for birth and postpartum in any scenario, with access to a shared Google Drive with additional topics and resources. These consultations are for those who want to be met with honesty regarding the birth and postpartum world, and those who want to have that person on their team for encouragement and affirmation. Helpful for all, including parents that feel confident in their ability to support each other yet need current information. Sessions will be informational, as well as hands on. Virtual sessions are an option.

Consultation Birth or Postpartum

One consultation session of your choice of topic/s, such as labor and birth preparation, postpartum preparation, birth team and plan, fear and anxiety, pain management, coping techniques, etc. Similar to a doula prenatal session, packed full of evidence based information, education, resources, comfort techniques, scenarios, and practical tips. Recommended to schedule two sessions for birth and one for postpartum.
No purchase limit.

Birth and Postpartum Consultation Services $150

Birth Services

Lora is a Certified Birth Doula. Labor and Birth Support include Lora's undivided attention, whether you choose an unmedicated or medicated labor or a scheduled c-section. A personalized environment will be created to help you to feel secure and in control. Your needs will be assessed, and you will be helped with a variety of coping techniques to remain active and present in your labor. Lora will continue to educate and help you process information and decisions. She is working for and with dad and/or other support persons. Your doula prenatal visits for intaking what is important to you, your experiences, and desires. This encompasses most of the first prenatal visit. The second prenatal is a time to go over comfort techniques, practice movement and review scenarios that are most likely to happen and the decisions you’ll need to make. Also covered is planning for your postpartum recovery.

A Birth Package includes:

Two prenatal visits; plus postpartum preparation; educational and nutritional resources; email, phone, and text support; shared Google Drive with handouts, working forms, etc.; written assessment; on-call time; labor and delivery support*; immediate postpartum and feeding support; one 3 hr. postpartum followup. Childbirth Education is strongly encouraged, and options will be shared, including special discounts for being a client of Northeast Indiana Doula Services.

Birth Support Package $950

Returning clients, contact Lora for pricing

*a Backup Doula is secured.

Click Here for Bereavement Information and Services

Lactation Specialist Consultation (90 minutes $70)

In-home or virtual pre-birth or post-birth support and resources.

Phone-A-Doula (60 minutes $55, 30 minutes $30)

A phone consultation may be just for you. This is not the same as an interview or free pre-hire consultation. This is a time to get some one-on-one doula emotional support for birth or postpartum, encouragement, knowledge and resources; postpartum tips; birth processing; whatever it is you are needing.